Ministry Through Disc Golf
Reaching individuals, families, and the greater community through Disc Golf
What is Disc Golf?
Disc golf is played much like golf, except, instead of a ball and clubs, players use a flying disc. Players can use only one disc to enjoy this sport, or they can have a whole set of discs like clubs. The sport was formalized in the 1970s and shares with golf the object of completing each hole in the fewest strokes (or in the case of disc golf, the fewest throws).
A disc golf hole begins from a tee area and ends at a target, which is an elevated metal basket. As a player progresses down the fairway, he or she must make each consecutive throw from the spot where the previous throw landed. In group play, the farthest away player always throws first. Players should not get ahead of the away player. The trees, shrubs, and terrain changes located in and around the fairways provide challenging obstacles for the golfer. When the 'putt' lands in the basket, the hole is complete.
Disc Golf in Southwest Missouri and Northern Arkansas has grown enormously over the last 10 years and has become one of the main go-to activities for communities and families. Check out courses in the Southern MO area
Black Ink Discs is responsible for designing and helping with the course completion of the top 2 courses in the Springfield, Missouri area. Lake Springfield DGC and Northside DGC. Both courses rank at the top in the entire state!

Why Disc Golf?
Ministry through physical activity can be difficult, due to it often being limited to certain age groups and fitness levels.
Disc Golf provides the unique opportunity to reach people of all age groups, fitness levels, and genders equally without the need to provide separate areas to participate.
Disc Golf is also affordable. Installing and maintaining a disc golf course comes in at a fraction of the cost of building a gymnasium, baseball diamond, or nearly all other sporting areas. A 9-Hole disc golf course can start around $4,500 for the baskets (equipment) and design. 18-Hole courses can start around $9000. Other costs might be involved if you would like tee pads, signage or upgraded equipment.
Disc golf courses can be used for prayer walks / hikes

Hosting events can also be a largely beneficial way to reach people and players in the community and provide additional ministry opportunities for your church.
How do I get involved?
Buying equipment for your church or youth group
Disc Golf equipment, compared to most sports, is easy to use and extremely afforable. We can help by providing discs. Some churches buy several discs and lend them out to church members. They can be used for church activities for current church members. youth events or whole church picnics. A single practice basket or multiple permanent baskets can also be purchased.
Disc Golf equipment, compared to most sports, is easy to use and extremely afforable. We can help by providing discs. Some churches buy several discs and lend them out to church members. They can be used for church activities for current church members. youth events or whole church picnics. A single practice basket or multiple permanent baskets can also be purchased.
Installing a Disc Golf course on your church property
Installing a Disc Golf Course is an excellent way to utilize the extra unused land around your church building. This provides an amazing opportunity for your congregation to bring in the local community in a pressure free way to minister to, as well as increasing church member’s fellowship and the opportunity to grow together.
Black Ink Discs has installed several Disc Golf Courses in the Springfield Missouri area and are happy to assist you on this journey to show how powerful of a ministry this can be for your church and community.
Disc Golf courses come in all shapes and sizes so whether you have 3 acres or 20 acres, wooded and all terrain, Disc Golf can be a wonderful opportunity to utilize that space.
Hosting (or Sponsoring) Disc Golf tournaments/events at your church
Once you have a Disc Golf course on your church property you can grow your ministry opportunities even more by hosting events. The team at Black Ink Discs is uniquely qualified to team up with your church to help reach your community and minister in ways you never thought possible.
Hosting lunch during an event is a great opportunity to interact with people from all walks of life, including those without any church experience. Generally, we find a way in the tournament entry fee to help provide funding for food. Church members sometimes do a potluck, cook out, or buy food. Using this lunch time is a fantastic way to connect and minister.
What makes a disc golf course a smart investment?
Safe – conducive to social distancing; uses individual equipment
Social – fun way to spend time with friends and family
Inclusive – easy to learn and play for all ages & abilities
Economical – affordable to play, inexpensive to install, and easy to maintain
Environmental – highlights the natural features of the area; low environmental impact
Healthy – fresh air and low-impact exercise while enjoying the outdoors and is great for all ages
Social – fun way to spend time with friends and family
Inclusive – easy to learn and play for all ages & abilities
Economical – affordable to play, inexpensive to install, and easy to maintain
Environmental – highlights the natural features of the area; low environmental impact
Healthy – fresh air and low-impact exercise while enjoying the outdoors and is great for all ages
Use the form below or give us a call (417-830-5337)Â and we would be happy to assist you in reaching your community with the help of disc golf!
Contact Us
Get in touch and let us know how we can help.
Have a question but aren’t sure who to contact? Get in touch and a member of our team will reach out to you.
Have a question but aren’t sure who to contact? Get in touch and a member of our team will reach out to you.
- ADDRESS: 5163 S Campbell Ave #A Springfield, MO 65810
- PHONE: 417-830-5337
Mon - Fri : 8am - 4:30pmSunday: 8am - 12:30pm