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Ion (Firm) (Electron)

Ion (Firm) (Electron)


Product Details

Best Choice for: Putting, short to medium drives, accuracy approaches.

Note: All flight ratings are for Neutron/Proton/Plasma plastics. Electron/Fission plastics will be slightly less stable than displayed ratings.

MVP Disc Sports says this about the Ion: The ION is a straight-flying putter with a lot of glide that has an over-molded edge. A softer outside edge will aid in grabbing the chains and dropping into the basket. In addition to its unique over-mold design is the comfortable grip of the disc. The edge where the flight plate meets the rim is rounded, so you fingers conform to the disc when you hold it. This is the Medium flexibility model.


Flight Guide

High Speed Stability0
Low Speed Stability1.5
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Ion (Firm) (Electron)
orange / 172g - $13.99
  • orange / 172g - $13.99
  • orange / 174g - $13.99
  • green / 173g - $13.99
  • blue / 173g - $13.99
  • pink / 173g - $13.99
  • pink / 174g - $13.99
  • pink alt / 172g - $13.99
  • pink alt / 173g - $13.99
  • yellow / 175g - $13.99

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