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Photon (Cosmic Neutron)

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Product Details

Best Choice for: Distance drives, moderate headwind drives, forehand drives, spike hyzers.

MVP Disc Sports says this about the Photon: The Photon is best described as a longer Tesla, with power throwers able to achieve some flight extending turn, and all throwers getting a reliable fade. The Photon is naturally headwind resistant but average power throwers can use a headwind to emulate those extended flights of high power throwers.


 Exact photos of every disc! Select from available numbers and photo of disc will appear. Each disc is numbered.

Flight Guide

High Speed Stability-1
Low Speed Stability2.5
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Photon (Cosmic Neutron)
black / 5 / 167g - $19.99
  • black / 5 / 167g - $19.99
  • black / 14 / 157g - Sold out

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